Saturday, June 8, 2013

Decanting and Ferris Wheel

In chemical process, separation play a important part in order to get something pure from a jumble of components. One of the process for separation is decanting. Decanting is a process that separate a mixture by using gravitational force. The mixture can be solid-liquid mixture (e.g. mud) or even two immiscible liquid (e.g. water and oil). A static...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Optimization technique: A kangaroo analogy

#Author notes: This is a good analogy on how optimization technique is used in Neural network (NN) training. Nonetheless, a basic knowledge about optimization techniques in NN is recommended in order to understand the meaning behind the story. Kangaroos and Training Neural Networks By: Warren S. Sarle and Net Poohbahs Revised: Oct 22, 1994 Training...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Process Model 'Family Tree'

In general, process model or model is a representation of the real system/process. By using a process model, the user can explore the behavior and performance of the real system at a reduced cost, time and risk. In most process models, only the parameters that relevant and related to the problem are made available. Thus, the process model...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Process Control Vs Process System??

In the last post, I did mention about how process control (PC) is a combination of modeling, control and optimization technique. Well, from a recent discussion with my lecturers, it turn out that such combination is called process system engineering (PSE). PSE is a more fitting term to express the matter as it is the study of many aspects...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Process control paradigm

I started to learn process control in the undergrad course and has been fascinated by it ever since. Now, I am in a grad school studying more about process control focusing in Model-Based Control (MBC). What is MBC?? Well, we will cover the topic later on. For the introduction, process control can be divided by three most major categories which is...