Saturday, June 8, 2013

Decanting and Ferris Wheel

In chemical process, separation play a important part in order to get something pure from a jumble of components. One of the process for separation is decanting. Decanting is a process that separate a mixture by using gravitational force. The mixture can be solid-liquid mixture (e.g. mud) or even two immiscible liquid (e.g. water and oil). A static...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Optimization technique: A kangaroo analogy

#Author notes: This is a good analogy on how optimization technique is used in Neural network (NN) training. Nonetheless, a basic knowledge about optimization techniques in NN is recommended in order to understand the meaning behind the story. Kangaroos and Training Neural Networks By: Warren S. Sarle and Net Poohbahs Revised: Oct 22, 1994 Training...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Process Model 'Family Tree'

In general, process model or model is a representation of the real system/process. By using a process model, the user can explore the behavior and performance of the real system at a reduced cost, time and risk. In most process models, only the parameters that relevant and related to the problem are made available. Thus, the process model...